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How Many Inches Do You Need?

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jd_1984 | 15:45 Wed 15th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
My mate is a big sports fan. He has just bought a 58" TV at £2,700. He has gone for the full hit, BOSE surround sound and full Sky package to boot. He is paying in installments over 12 months, but even still do you need a TV that big. I thought ours at 40" was a bit on the big side.
Got to tell you though, I am lookin forward to a couple of cold ones and the football at the weekend. We will send the girls shopping!!


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I've just swapped my 30" for a 40"...........size does matter.
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redcrx - as I said it is a strange shaped flat. The kitchen is small, the en-suite is bigger than the bedroom and the living room I think used to be a massive garage for the original property before being converted to living room for downstairs flat.
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We have got a 40" - and a nice big room to put it in, which is why we bought it.

I'm not fussed about hi-def to be honest, but I did wsatch Corrie with all the 50th hoo-ha, and i noticed that their direcotors are going for some seriously fierce clos-ups!

There was a shot up Peter Barlow's nose that almsot gave me an attack of agraphobia!

Of course, I can never get too close to Carla, so they can keep her close-ups until i can get my hands on the real thing ...
You can't beat a big one.
Yes, perhaps he is missing a few inches downstairs.
We got a 52" plasma after my mother-in-law moved in; she can't see or hear very well and the subtitles are bigger on a larger screen and the surround sound helps too. At first it seemed to dominate the room but we quickly got used to it and wouldn't go back to anything smaller.
Mines is only 14 inches. Does that signify some deep rooted psychological problem or indicate that I don't watch much TV. It hasn't been switched on in months.

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