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murraymints | 11:40 Thu 16th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
woke up with throat like swallowing glass, feel grotty.....runny nose.. bit of cough.. ...bad pain in back of neck down to mid shoulder blade.. help me sqad !!!


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Join the club mm, had mine for 4 weeks now, so hope you fare better than me and feel better soon :-)
murray.....sounds like a viral infection.....keep warm, plenty of drinks, Ibuprofen 600mgms three times a day..............then monitor the situation.
Question Author
was diagnosed swine flu last year,,, had tamoxifan,, is that hoe it is spelled could this be a prb
echinacea supposed 2b good, it boosts the immunity system
Question Author
Sqad ! what happened to my typing ? could this be a kickback ? feel terrible..very suddenly ..
heres a link, if interested
murray....Tamoxifen? are you taking it for breast cancer?
Question Author
no.. whatever it was for swine flu last year tamoxi...something....
Ah! that wouldnt be a problem...EVERYBODY in the UK was diagnosed as swine flu last year and were given Tamiflu........very few probably had swine flu in actual fact.

Now go to bed and do what I have told you......;-)
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yup that, it! Had to wait in the car park for gp to come out ...gowned up ..masked.. and smuggled out agin without seing anyone... left with viral arthiritis in back/shoulders ,,,, what is going on Sqad... do I need to see doc agai
murray this stage NO......just go to bed.
Question Author
tell me about this viral arhiritis thing... pain in shoulders/ kneck/ back terrible
murray....go to bed.
Question Author
Going to bed S qaud.. feel very sory for myself... apologies to all that i looked forward to speaking with 2day
This is an old cure which came from my irish gran, which we always have in hand. Take 1 bottle of whiskey, 2-3 lemons and 2-3 cloves. wash and slice the lemons place in a jar you can seal, I use a Kilner Jar, add the cloves pour in the whiskey and seal and put to one side for 10-12 weeks shaking occassionally. Filter through a muslin cloth bottle and store till needed.When you've a cold that requires treating pour a good slug of the whiskey add an equal amount of boiling water and stir in a tea spoon of honey.Can't guarentee it will cure you but it tastes nice and will certainly make you feel better
LOL @ murray and Sqad !!!

paddywak -im gonna try that -seriously-cant beat a hot toddy !!
Have a hot curry.

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