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Anybody else having problems with

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merciasounds | 11:07 Thu 16th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I ordered stuff in November, the credit card bill says they've had the money - but STILL no CD's and DVD's....Everything else I've ordered that's delivered by courier has come, but not stuff delivered by the Royal Mail - so I don't know who to blame...


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Contact the comapny and see if your order is 'in transit'.
Confirm how it has been sent.
Make your enquiries of the relevant delivery company.
What do say?
Ive never had a problem with their customer service, when items havnt arrived they have sent new ones out.

My stuff arrived ok in about 4 days via royal mail at beginning of this month
Question Author
they say allow upto 28 days for delivery......
Question Author
im tried ringing the local delivery office, it just rang out all morning. Emails go unanswered
There's your answer..............

What day are we currently at ?
Orders I have placed with in the past have arrived within a few days. I am still waiting for a box set of Pacific blu-ray dvds after 9 days..... I blame the weather?
Question Author
well i ordered on the 27th that makes it day 19
My daughter ordered some headphones from them. After a week after they were meant to have been sent out she rang them and was told that they couldn't start searching for 21 days. After that time they told her they had run out of stock and refunded her money. Not good but at least she was refunded.
They ususally send me an e-mail saying that my order has been shipped.

Have you received one, or have you investigated what it says in 'your account' at the web-site ?
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i thought that at first salla, but Play dot com stuff comes from Jersey - there is usually a douanier - a customs slip on the front, and down south haven't had weather as bad as up north, have they?
So it's day 19, they say allow 28 days for delivery. i see no problem.
Yes but it could get to Australia quicker!!!
Play cannot investigate a suspected lost item until 21 days have passed, so wait a couple more days and if it still hasn't arrived follow the instructions on the site for asking them to look into it.
still waiting for goods can only imagine it is the weather to blame. amazon nearly 3 weeks now and a daily mail thing nearly 4...
I think you will find it's because of Royal Mail Mercia, i has to wait 15 days for a lens hood to come. Royal Mail blames the recent snow situation
Question Author
thanks Jack....I just wondered if anybody else was having trouble with non-delivery, that's all
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Well, moaning about it paid off, my stuff (all bar one thing) has has just been delivered by Royal mail van! Two things have been opened, or shall I say more charitably, have 'come undone' ....hmm.....
That must be a huge relief for you mercia. Happy Christmas to you, yours and all the 4 legs xx
Question Author
Thanks love, hope you have the bestest Christmas ever, peace and love to you too!!

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