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Get Well Soon Bobjugs.

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NoMercy | 14:32 Wed 15th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
He's dying of man flu AND a chest infection. Poor thing.

Get well soon. x x x


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Oi, i'm not dying so stop trying to auction my stuff off. However, thanks for all the well wishers :-)
Oh, and my car is worth a lot more than a fiver you cheeky mares!

PS Who got removed?
I'll raise you a tenner on the car (15 if you throw in the laptop)
(Soz bobs) is it your birthday tomorrow, chuck, did I hear a rumour...?
oi i bought the car for a fiver pee off chuckie
i heard a rumour boxy, but it did not involve a birthday. Paddling pool, custard and and 2 ladies of the night.

ps bob, you f@ggot . you do not have man flu. No man on earth can type when he has man flu.
Mick, i never said i had man-flu. The panicking womenfolk started that rumour. I've just got a bit of a cough
it is that bad air doon there bobby, not good, not good at all...... anyway hope you feel better soon
Guess what, i'm well again :) Worship me, i am a health god amongst mere mortals lol
My dog died of flu...

... it "flu" under a bus ;-)
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Oh dear, he spoke too soon. He's dying again this morning which means I'm going to have to be childminder, chef AND nurse this weekend. lol.
Dont envy you NoM -my walking wounded arrived home last night -tried my patience beyond the call of duty....(still cant even look at him this morning :))

Im sure bob wont be like that tho -so get well soon bob !!
(Good Luck NoM x)
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Thanks Dris. Hopefully he'll actually go to a pharmacy and get his prescription dispensed today ;-)
Lucky I had Amoxycyllin which my GP gave me just in case when I had a 'recovering' chest infection so lashed a couple of them back his throat last night :)

Hope he is better soon tho -its a bugger to shift-took me a couple of weeks and I still have a cough:(
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I think he's got Amoxycillin too. He's going to get a lecture about smoking later too. lol!

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