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Kevin9 | 12:27 Fri 21st Mar 2003 | How it Works
10 Answers
What is the name of thegas that is found in coal mines and seeps up through the ground causing a danger to people living in the area ?


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Methane (also known as marsh gas) I believe. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong!
yes methane causes an explosion hazard in mines but i think Kevin9 might be thinking of radon, which is not specific to mining as such but occurs naturally in some geological formations/rock types. It causes lung cancer. See for more info
Whatever the gas was, it sure wasn't canairy-friendly. Poor little blighters!!
I know the canary fell off it's perch... but didn't it come back to life in the fresh air?
Ralph when the canary fell off its perch it usually died.
You may be thinking of Fire Damp which does contain a large proportion of Methane ... take a look at
When I saw this question I immediately thought of radon which is a big problem in some areas, so much so that they incorporate radon barriers into all new buildings.
Radon is not likely in coalbearing strata. Radon is primarily found in igneous rocks, most notably in granite, and on release rises through fissures in the rock. It has been known to build up to worrying levels in buildings - hence the aim of sealing them on the underside to block access into the buildings and force the gas to travel out to the sides and into the atmosphere.
I thought the canary was only stunned by methane.... rather like the Norwegian Blue (wasn't!)
Methane(ch4). explosive when between 5-15% of the atmosphere.

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