I'm not surprised Sid is annoyed at himself. I guess it must be a seriously raree experience for someone like him to be hoodwinked by a bullshitter like Stuart.
I spent last week shouting "What are you talking about!" at the telly in the boardroom section, and i am sorry liz was not able to give a robust defence and stay in.
She must be alternately amused and gutted this week.
Still, she has the undying adoration of the entire male viewing audience to console her!
The question bothering me is, if a grade a "bullshiner" like Stuart (god I love myself)
Baggs can fool Alan Sugar so easily, when everyone else could see right through him,
how come a man who is supposed to be a big shot mega rich tycoon not see it?
Can you really be that thick and still make millions? Did he (AS) not mind being made to look a nitwit for the sake of the viewing figures, and if so, why? Are things not so rosy at Amstrad Towers he needs the income from the program?