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Just found an email in the junk box

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dotty. | 22:33 Fri 17th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
from one 'Ali Zongo', the title is 'Urgent action Highly needed'
I've deleted it without reading it, but I am curious, what could he have wanted me to do?


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Order a Garth Brooks CD at WH Smith`s for him LOL
Transfer some money into an account to cover a administration cost springs to mind,
Ali Zongo? There's a name to conjure with for a start.
dotty I usually read them for a laugh and then delete them its alright as long as you ignore the instructions
The loan of your bank account details would probably be very pleasing to Mr Zongo ;-)
Question Author
damn, I should have read it lol
Ali Bongo was married to Victoria Wood, it's not her hubby is it?
Getting your magicians mixed up, dotty - The Great Soprendo, I think.
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oh and then there is this one:
You would also be asking why I have decided to chose you amongst the numerous internet users in the world, precisely I cannot say why I have chosen you but do not be worried for I come in peace and something very positive is about to happen to your life right now and to the lives of others through you if only you can carefully read and digest the message below.

Before I move further, permit me to give you a little of my biography, I am Pamela Wilcox, 78 Years old woman and the wife of Sir Wilcox Alex, dual citizen of United States and Britain who died in a Plane crash on Monday the 7th of September 1998 GMT 14:22 UK alongside with my daughter while they were flying from New York to Geneva. Please see site below for more information.
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my immediate response was why would anyone gove a broccoli when the GMT was when her husband and daughter died?
how sad, poor woman!!! you have some funny friends Dotty
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oh yes, I often mix up my magicians, i used to think Bill Bixby was the hulk : (
I can't be bothered to check, But I wouldn't be surprised if there really was a plane crash at that time GMT.
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this is the junk box BTW, these people are not real and certainly not my friends lol

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Just found an email in the junk box

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