The best medicines are horrible tasting but my mum bought us a cheap supermarkets own bran version of orange flavoured cod liver oil and it tasted like a mixture of sweaty old socks and gone off fish with mouldy oranges. Nasty!
The chesty cough one is distgustingly horrible but the tickly, dry cough one is lovely. I had the mother of all cough a weeks or so ago, and got the Covonia lozenges (the ones in the purple box), as well as the medicine. I found they really stopped the tickle. I'm sure a visit to the doctors would have been the right thing to do but hey-ho, they've enough to do this weather.
You should try Co-op Bronchial mix Benny. You're supposed to mix it with hot water and sip - but I didn't read the instructions and took it like ordinary cough medicine. Damn near blew my ruddy head off :)
covonia vapour drops - peppermint oil and menthyl dabbed on a hanky and inhaled is excellent to clear the ol air waves.
ive had an awful cold, still have, and have been really congested, this has helped me no end to breathe a little easier