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are you busy today

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slinky.kate | 08:12 Mon 20th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
have you got all your pressies in,what was your best bargain,will you manage everything with this weather????????????


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Yes - children's toys, I bought them in the sales - all food shopping is done - I've got to go to work today and tomorrow!
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are you off over xmas and new year
Yes! We have to go to a funeral this Weds so am starting my leave a day early, but after that I am off until Jan 4 - rah!
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good for you.
Unfortunately kate I'm one of the hundreds, if not thousands, who are still waiting for some of my presents to be delivered grrrr! I wouldn't mind but I ordered them weeks ago in a bid to beat the rush...what a joke that turned out to be!
Thankfully though I did get my food & drink shopping done yesterday before the blimming snow got too bad so at least we'll be able to eat if nothing else :-)
I've bought all presents and they are wrapped. Only problem I've had is one of my mothers presents has not yet arrived from

All family are within walking distance so won't be a problem travel wise.
I left most of my shopping until this weekend and boy what a struggle in the snow.

It really came down heavy on saturday and yesterday was just icy, car was skidding, wheels spinning.

My last day is wednesday and cannot wait!!!! I've just got 2 pressies to buy and I'm done!
lol, I've not even started yet. Working til Wednesday so I have Thursday and Friday to complete a shopping marathon. I'm a one hit wonder. I hit the shops the minute they open, I shop from a list and I'm usually out of there by the time bedlam really kicks in.
Cleared tons of snow off the driveway, hopefully (am I mad?) going shopping.
Best of luck. I'm staying in by the fire.
I've got all my presents sitting in a box unwrapped. I still haven't plucked up the courage to wrap them. I hate wrapping!!!

Apart from that I'm not really busy but Lt. Tiggs will keep me busy as he does most days. Not venturing outside either. Its below freezing down here and I don't want really want to go slip sliding everywhere with a buggy.
It's my day off...and I am waiting for a redirected Royal |mail delivery....which I am sure won't come. I *was* waiting for a courier with the pressie my daughter has sent me....but have heard they can't do it...and it will not be until...get this-the New Year.......Xmas is gonna really be pants..

Oh....and I am also waiting for the a leak-and my hall carpet is soaking....oh joy.
I do have a new bottle of SoCo telling me not to go out ... I'm sticking my fingers in my ears and shouting LALALALALALA at the moment.

Yet somehow still typing? hmmm.
I'm in work today and have so many other places I would rather be. I know I won't be busy at work this week and all the pipes have frozen so we have no running water, which means I can't even go to the loo! I still need to go out and get some more pressies this week but god knows when that will happen.
Got to go to a funeral at lunchtime and pick some fresh bread up, good wife waiting in for amazon delivery. doing food shopping weds 6am, its going to snow thurs
Hope he comes soon Pasta. Having a leak must be quite unpleasant in this cold weather.
Yes, I've finished all my Christmas shopping. I have to send presents to Somerset (Sister and Nephews) so I buy early and post early too. I mostly shop online so everything I buy is cheaper than the shops.

I have to go to work from 12:00 'til 8:00 p.m. and not looking forward to the journey. I'll manage though.
Prezzies are done. Need to get some stuff in for christmas dinner but that can wait... And yes, the weather is perfectly manageable where I am as long as I have my wellies.
The floor is squelching,tigger......;-((

...oh-and my boiler decided not to switch back on the other day when I ran out of hopefully that will be sorted also.
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you are all busy busy busy,thats what happens when your working but you will enjoy your time off,i might go to tesco or asda just after midnight to finish my food shop,it is a lot quieter and i'll manage a lot better in the scooter.

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