33ac Any invertebrate organism of the phylum that includes earthworms, leeches etc havikng b odies divided into segments by crosswise rings.(7) 35ac Name applied during most of the Communist period (1924-1991) to St Petersburg. (9) 36ac Hollow part at the bottom of a metallurgical furnace in which the molten metal collects.(8) (?????b??) 37ac Unfinished epic poem by Edmund Spenser (circa 1552-1599)glorifying England and Elizabeth i, origin of the nine line Stanzaic form known as the `Spenserian Stanza` (3-6-6)
Sorry mazie. I think squarebear would understand.
I'm just reflecting the old mill's politeness as he/she seems to randomly post a "many thanks" message on crossword threads even when he/she hasn't been involved in the thread.
I've been rumbled, so I'll stop now.