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How do I wrap one of these?

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milly143 | 15:53 Wed 22nd Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
46 Answers

I don't have any boxes at my disposal, just wrapping paper and ribbons.


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He's probably getting a folding present too .... A Decree Nisi.
How to wrap a chopping board - First take a very large hammer....
I personally would be telling him to wrap his own (crap) Xmas presents- what a cheek getting you to do it!
By the by has your boss ever heard of John Wayne Bobbitt
"By the by has your boss ever heard of John Wayne Bobbitt"

pmsl .. let's hope he didn't get her the folding knife set.
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ha ha you lot crack me up.

One thing was a CD. He also asked me to wrap a box of chocolates. They were a pack I was given by a customer that I didn't want. I told him to give them to his wife but I didn't mean as a present.

I actually don't mind doing the wrapping, I have nothing better to do this week.

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How do I wrap one of these?

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