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New year resolutions...

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sandyRoe | 00:31 Thu 23rd Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I've three in mind so far. To stop smoking again, lose weight, and get more exercise. What resolutions will you make and then break?


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I don't make any which I don't think I'll follow through.
new years resolutions???...can we get christmas out of the way first sandyroe???
Useless. I wouldn't keep them if I made them.
I stopped smoking, and I'm still fighting the weight gain, the exercise is also a bit of a problem at this time of year. But I intend to lose a couple of stone. (probably).
I'm surprised nobody has started an Easter thread yet.
Boooooooooooooooooring, but yes, give up smoking, get more exercise, and GET OUT MORE
I occassionally worry about following through.....
I still need to lose baby weight but I'm not making it a resolution.
I ought to start counting how many hours I spend on AB, when I have other less interesting but more necessary things requiring my time.
Lol Craft.
Already posted this, but to drink more, smoke more, eat more and to go to the gym less!!!!!
Me too, boxtops, but housework is not entertaining is it?
Housework? who mentioned housework, LOL?! Mind you, I do have cat fluff to hoover..... I am also not getting down to some serious writing for which I have a deadline, so if I were going to make a resolution, that would be it. Me - the eternal just-in-timer.
Mine are identical to yours sandy.
I always resolve to be nicer to people.... Unfortunately I've got no will power. Or good will.
I never make them at New Year but I do try to set myself targets throughout the year, at the moment the target if going to be next doors dog if it doesn't bloody shut up!

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