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Its sooo cold in here

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kat2206 | 11:19 Thu 23rd Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Last night the heating stopped working so there was I, running around like a headless chicken trying to find boiler engineers when my OH came home looked at me and advised, after checking, that we have run out of oil... doh!

However, the lovely people at our local oil delivery depot, despite being incredibly busy have added us to their deliveries tomorrow so going to be all nice and toasty warm for Xmas.... but it did cost an absolute fortune though, these oil companies really do pile on the prices during the winter season, wow!


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Yes, supply and demand. They can pretty much charge what they like.
glad I don;'t need oil then, at least n-power charge what they advertise not what they fancy
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I wish we lived in a area where we can have gas rather than oil, in the winter months we can get through about 400-500 litres costing us £400 each time! Whats gas prices nowadays? £30.00 per month? so why can oil companies charge this ridiculous rate, dont get me wrong our local supplier have been very helpful today but the prices are so high.
Because you need it and so have to pay. It's similar to how motorway service stations can charge a fortune for petrol. You have to buy it at their rate or suffer.

I guess it's a business not a charity.
Got my energy bill yesterday............£300.

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Its sooo cold in here

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