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Aren't We a Superstitious Lot

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starone | 16:32 Thu 23rd Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I just spilled some salt and took a pinch to throw over my left shoulder to hit the devil in the eye - presumably that's where he is standing. My mother would never do washing on Good Friday because she was convinced that "every drop of water is a drop of blood". Bet most of you have similar beliefs - go on admit it.


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I'm still cautious about walking under ladders, even if nobody's up there.

My sister knew a woman who was paranoid about not throwing hair from your hairbrush out of the window, because the devil would get it.
my mum would never have may blossom in the house. Don't know what that was about.
I refuse to have anything by Marillion in the house...
Cupid, it's reported to have smelled like the Plague and/or death.
Mine too cupid, but if you have ever smelled may blossom off the tree, it's quite whiffy..... shame, because I love it in the spring when it flowers!

My grandma told me she would catch a cold if she took off her pearl necklace.
i refuse to eat wobbly things

but superstitious nope. i really don't get the "won't pass on the stairs one"
Does that mean you don't eat Fish, Markrae?
For about forty years I couldn't eat pink, but that wasn't superstition, it was from very very ill after eating strawberry icecream when I was about 8. Elephants have long memories....
I cross my heart when I see a Magpie.
Ooh, no - we have to say "Good Morning, Mr Magpie...."
I salute to a single magpie. My mother would never have peacock feathers in the house, or an open umbrella.
I remember my grandmother talking about the open umbrella in the house.
It's supposed to be unlucky to have white lilac in the house, although it smells lovely.
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Just remembered, my grandmother said, never trust a man who parts his hair in the middle, and I never have.
I won't do laundry on New Years day, and I won't let anyone in the house do so either. It used to be said, 'wash on New Years day and you wash someone out of the family'. Last time I did, my nan died a few weeks later. Probably just coincidence, but I'm taking no chances.
I do the magpie thing (good morning of course), umbrellas and peacock feathers. Also my mother said never to let 2 knives lie in a crossed position or buy a green car. Oh and always put a silver coin in when giving a purse or handbag as a gift.
Not technically a superstition but perhaps a touch of OCD - but I often lie in bed thinking "Did I lock the back door?" etc etc..... And I HAVE to bl**dy check!
everything you have all said so far and probably some more too , if i remember i will mention them later

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