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Well that was a failcake

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mollykins | 18:52 Thu 23rd Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
My dad got me to make a lsit of everything I wanted for christmas, and it was going to be a secret, as to which things I would get and who was getting it for me.

he however; 1) left the list on show, so that i could see what had ben crossed off, eevrytime he told someone else what to get me and 2) several people have told me for example my brother said 'oh I could only get the guiness book of records, so i'll get you some new look vouchers aswell'


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Better than getting sod all innit?
well, now you don't have to lie awake at night wwondering what Santa's going to bring you. Sweet dreams!
Well be grateful you are getting something!
It's the thought that really counts, Molly. Enjoy your Christmas whatever presents you get.
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You should have saw how angry he got when mum was asking why it all had to be a secret cos sometimes she couldn't find the list so couldn't tell people and it was all a big faff . . .
You're getting so many presents that a list had to be made?
and you could always donate it to the kids who dosnt ger any pressie this xmas :0)

I just had to look up what failcake was!

Mrs MM donated a Barbie doll to that particular cause Whitebears.
Thanks for that tigger, I had no idea either.
There's quite a lot of words our Molls uses that I don't get CAS.
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Is it on your list doc?
Maybe they're bluffing to wind you up? Thing is if you make a list then you are unlikely to get surprises anyway
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I think it's a word that people from my school use a lot. i've actually witnessed a failcake being made! They put icing sugar in, instead of self raising flour!
Icing sugar instead of self-raising flour! Sounds pretty sickly Molly.
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It failed, this was at cadets and the guy failed the course and the instructor binned it, before anyone got food poisoning, if that would even be possible, and proper food poisoning, not just making you sick from the flavour.
So it definitely was a failcake then!

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Well that was a failcake

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