My husband who has diabetes has very swollen feet which are icy cold. He is on medication for High Blood Pressure and is taking very strong painkillers for nerve ending pain.
Is there anything he can do for his feet?
How old is he?
What type of diabetes? Type1 or late onset?
What tablets is he taking for his BP and for how long has he been taking them?
Does he get pain in his legs when he walks and if so how far can he walk?
What is this nerve ending pain that you are talking about?
How long has his feet been swelling?
Far too many questions.....surely the NHS is monitoring his BP and diabetes? See your anne suggested......again!
He is 60 and has Type 2
Taking Ramipril for his BP which was high the last time it was checked.
He has pain in his legs and one is numb.
Is having an MRI scan on 23rd Dec and is taking Morphine twice daily for the pain and is having a blood test this week too.
I don't want to frighten you Chrissa. My husband had just the same symptoms and he was diabetic. The doctor treated him for gout and it was not. His arteries in his leg were blocked and the blood was not getting to his feet. Eventually called another doctor as he was in such pain, who sent him into the hospital. It was too late for him and he died two weeks later. Don't please leave it too late for your husband. It might not be this that is wrong with him, but at least insist on more investigation.
Yes he was karenmac. He has had tests done yesterday and today and the blood tests show that he is lacking protein in his muscles, can't pass water and so the water is moving to his peripheries ie his feet.
The Very reluctant patient is coming home tomorrow with a zimmer frame, physio instructions and after having an MRI scan.
I'm so sorry for your loss Starbuckone. Thank you for the post.
chrissa - at least in your situation, he is coming home, so the right action was followed. Enjoy Christmas.....
And I share chrissa's comments as to your loss starbuckone. Christmas is not a great time I guess - I am apart from my kids but they are well and thriving. Hope you can enjoy the season as best you can.
Thank goodness it was not the same thing as my husband had then chrissa. As you know, diabetics have to watch their feet and their kidneys and passing water of course. I know how stubborn men can be but bully him into doing what he has been told to do. This is my second Christmas without him and it doesn't get any better, but thanks a lot for your good wishes.