iam on long term sick due to heart probs -i get income support +disabiltity premium. i have started to get a private pension £150 approx per month. will this affect my housing benefit ,council tax and income support .icant work it out tia
You need to get some advice from an expert who you can trust to know all of your financial business Dylan. Try citizens advice if you don't have anyone else.
I wouldn't be inclined to post details of that sort on here.
Agree, dylan - seek independent financial advice. Some financial advisers will offer you an hour's introductory session for nothing, it's worth ringing around.
The answer is Yes - all your means tested benefits (Income Support, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit) are affected by your additional income. you must notify DWP & your Local Authority as soon as possible of the new income. All benefits will go down or possibly stop. If you do not notify them & they find out you may be charged with benefit fraud, & will certainly have to pay back the overpaid benefit.
Themas is correct. Just tell the relevant people of your pension, enclose photocopies of the payslip (send originals if and when they ask for them) and leave it to them to sort out.