When I was at secondary school (1995 ish) I read a book about how a boy and his younger brother survived a nucleur bomb in the UK. There were hardly any survivors but they met up with a girl and befriended her and they ended up being a couple but sadly the younger brother died at the end. It was a great story, a bit sad but very interesting. Please help me and name the title!
That wasn't "Z For Zachariah" was it? I can't remember anything much about the book except that it exuded a stench of smug worthiness you could pick up from halfway across town.
hahaha jenstar, I was wondering the same thing! what a god awful book, I dont think its the one we're looking for tho, its about a girl who survives because she lives in a valley or some similar geographical low point...
Its ok I've found it myself - it took ages just trawling through young adult books on various sites. The book is call ' Brother in the Land' and by ' Robert Swindells'.
It just goes to show that sometimes you have to help yourself instead of expecting others to come up with the answer!