HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY! in The AnswerBank: Seasonal
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NoodleDoodler | 01:49 Wed 29th Dec 2010 | Seasonal
16 Answers
Just thought that I'd be the first to wish you all this!
Bet I was the first person to say that to you!
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Bit early aren't you?
I always knew there were UFO's
Still, thank you, and a very happy new year to you.
I will be starting the first congaline of 2011!
Well you're certainly the first to celebrate the Yee Peng festival (unless you're very late!) 'cos it takes place in November ;-)

Happy New Year anyway, ND!!!
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We must spread awareness of this great day so that we're all in a state of readiness for this glorious and beautiful time theland1.
Lisalips I'll be right behind you.
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Thanks for the link buenchico that's the one thing I haven't thought of looking at till you put up your link as I always miss the fireworks as I'm always at a club when the clock strikes midnight so thanks again.
I'll get the Jaffa cakes ready
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"Jaffa cakes"? Is this a euphemism for drink or drugs?
What your Mum would give you for a party.
And don't be home late.
And don't talk to strangers.
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Well I'm off as I can hear my pillow calling my name from upstairs so goodnight and godbless all, may your rest be a peaceful, deep, and uninterupted one.
If it's a euphemism at all, ND, then (given that Theland1 is a regular in the 'religion' part of AB) it's more likely to be for communion wine and incense than for (hard) drink and drugs ;-)
could be yoophemism for a little orangey biskit
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What your Mum would give you for a party-My mum would give me a a bottle of vodka and £50 quid godbless her.
And don't be home late-I intend to stay out till mid day partying!
And don't talk to strangers-No such things as strangers as my attitude is the world is just full of friends I haven't met yet!

And on that note I bid you a goodnight my friend.
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Haha okay buenchico and sorry theland1.
Hopefully catch you all tomorrow.
And for the third and final time.
Good night :)
G'night Noodles-Bob
Goodnight all!
Thank you NoodleDoodler...

In advance....

Happy Easter.....lol

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