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News Coverage - Thatcher and PPs expenses

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Gromit | 11:05 Thu 30th Dec 2010 | News
10 Answers
I have just read a report in the Telegraph, from Cabinet papers released under the 30 year rule, that Mrs T was warned that MPs were fiddling their expenses and their would be an outcry if the public found out. But it appears nothing was done and the abuses went on another 30 years

And how does the Torygraph headline this shocking admission?

"Margaret Thatcher warned MPs over expenses"


Rewritting history?


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Well those same cabinet papers existed during the Blair/Brown years and they did nothing about it either !!
Gromit.....the thought of "Tories" having their "noses in the trough" was no big deal, ask the honourable member for Bolsover, BUT the thought of "Socialists" having their noses in the "trough" was a big deal.

You are right, whoever was in power at the time should have dealt with the problem .
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Sorry for typo in title, half asleep this morning.

I know every Government of whatever colour knew about the MPs expenses abuses. I was more amused by what appears to be a huge 'Fail' (they did nothing) being spun into a positive yet totally inaccurate headline.
Its my recollection that this whole issue of MP expenses, lax scrutiny, and claiming for pretty much anything at all came to a head during the Thatcher government. Their had been at least one Independant Pay Review suggesting that MPs get an above inflation pay rise and a luvverly gold plated pension scheme - but the Government of the day recognised the huge negative PR impact from sanctioning such a pay rise - so instead they extended and eased the rules on what MPs could claim for expenses.

All parties were complicit in this backhanded pay rise, and all subsequent governments too. There are I am sure some honourable MPs in parliament, across all political parties - but this whole expenses farrago just shows how easily people can be corrupted.
congratulations Gromit, the great lady has been out of power for 20 years and you Thatcher haters are still digging the dirt. How long before you manage to extract a deathwish from one of your lefty mates eh? late I am afraid, the death wish has already been pronounced in no uncertain terms in previous posts, by our left wing colleagues.

How someone could wish a person dead, of whatever Political leaning amazes me.................but they do.
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The link is to the Daily Torygraph, not very left wing. It is their report that digs the dirt that she was warned about expenses abuses but chose to do nothing about it. Disappointing for you with short memories who pinned all the blame for MPs expenses abuses on the last Government. Now we have confirmation it was hknow about 30 years ago and allowed to continue.

Is her Sainthood by the right whingers such that we are unable to comment on stories in todays paper without being accused of desecrating her memory?
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The Daily Mail are pulling the same trick...

The headlins says: She warned of 'Grave Risk' Posed by MPs' expenses.

But the report says 'She WAS warned...'
Well on that basis Gromit, we can go back to Cromwell, who disolved Parliament for being useless snout in trough's So really you can have a go at any PM in the interim. Including His Tonyness. The fact you choose MrsT tells me all I ned to know.
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