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Nation of gorpers?

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seadogg | 20:54 Thu 30th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I was on a bus in icy weather when it stopped for a lady on a wheeled walking frame. On the ice she got herself trapped between the gutter and the bus. The driver never moved a muscle, nor did anyone near the door. Meanwhile everyone watched the show. Being RNLI I had no choice but was left to get her and the frame onto the bus on my own, being watched throughout. Did they think it was TV or are people afraid of being sued these days? At one time all the able bodied men would have been out there.


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people are scared of doing anything about anything these days seadogg, I would have helped the woman, I know what you mean by a nation of gorpers though ;)
Good for you, I know people are scared, but more people should have offered to help.
http://www.urbandicti...efine.php?term=gorper ... just so you know.

And yes, I believe people are either too scared to lend a hand, or just always looking out for #1, it's a shame, but it's the way most people are nowadays.
I don`t think people would be scared to act in a situation like that. It`s just that some people are pro-active and will get in there and help and some people are more passive (gawpers). You just had more passive than pro-active people on your bus.
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Of course its gawp Naz. One of those words we use in speech only as a rule. Thanks
Thanks Naz, I wondered what a gorper was. Pity the lady concerned had to go out in the icy conditions. I am very fortunate in my friends, who all came in to make sure I was all right and did not require anything especially food. I tell you this so that you will know there are a lot of kind people out there as well as the gawpers (or gorpers). And they don't fart in the bath and bite the bubbles either.
I never think in those situations, shove my stick under my arm and help where I can.
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Good point Starbuckone. She said she only came out as she had no food left but in the flats for the retired where she lived. There was no one to turn to. Mamyalynne, you can always use that stick to keep away the ghouls who gather to gawp at someone who has fainted on the pavement.
neither do I mamya. If someone needs help why would you not?

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