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Finished work today

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jb190281 | 19:00 Fri 31st Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Few weeks annual leave then maternity leave, no more work for 12 months!! I'm sure I'll keep myself busy somehow!
Can someone please toast the fact that I don't have to see that place again for a good while

Happy new year!!


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You will find plenty to do with a new baby, so put your feet up while you have a chance.
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I'm due 17th Feb, so making the most of these last few weeks!

Enjoy your time before baby comes and dont forget to post once baby arrives x
That has gone so fast...

Do you know what you're having?
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Hi ummm, it's flown hasn't it?! It's been a strange year with the miscarriage and then this one, all the while worrying myself silly! Apparently it's a girl but she kept stressing they can never be 100% so I'm not too fixated!!
Good luck jb, here's to a different 2011 for you then - keep us informed!
I am raising a glass to you jb, whilst I await grandchild No 4, who had a trial run yesterday but has decided to stay put for now. Enjoy your rest hun ♥'s probably a girl then.
Ooh, exciting for you mamya too!
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Hi mamya, what was the due date??

Thank you all for your best wishes, I'm sure I'll be posting more now I'm a lady of leisure (for a few weeks anyway)
Third baby, due date 6th Jan, yesterday 3 hours of strong contractions @ 5min intervals, then back to sleep LOL
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Awwww, not long to go then! Keep us informed. Lovely start to the new year!
Expensive start to the new year :-)
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Oh yes, and then some!

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Finished work today

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