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I am feeling so very happy......

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mrs_overall | 17:02 Sat 01st Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
....the evil mother in law has just gone home after 10 days of being waited on hand & foot. Deep joy!


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Lol. DH and I have a saying " nice to have visitors, lovely when they leave."
Has she really gone home or she now under the patio?
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I can't say it is nice to have her - she complains about everything.
As usual, she spent around £100 per head on pressies for Mr O & the Junior O's.
She gave me a set of notelets
LOL Mrs O, so you can write and thank her....
what are notelets? £10 notes.....?
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lol DT....I wish

Notelets are little blank cards with envelopes, in a pack. As usual at Xmas, she left the price on - £1.50
Mind you, that's an improvement on the 99p she spent on me last year
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Thanks steve. I tried that one year with some old ladies bath salts she'd given me. She spent a day sobbing on Mr O's shoulder, calling me ungrateful
Found you a nice pressie for her next year

Mrs. O - hahaha - you should have put a dose of laxative in her Christmas pudding, she would have gone home earlier.........(:0 D
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seadogg - she would class a bottle of that as "foreign muck", but I might buy some in readiness for her next visit
<<<<<<<,evil laugh>>>>>>>>
Missed my bargain book this year -only cos I sent her a notelet (can be useful) to advise we werent doing Christmas for adults anymore -backfired cos she agreed with me-drat !! (thats a first apart from telling me her son was an arse and did I know what i was letting myself in for when we got married-have had to agree with her there)
So at least she has a memory - my mother (dementia) has taken to giving folk back presents that they had sent her. She just pulled this one on my bro-in-law as his birthday is in the 10 days before Christmas. The trick now is to but something one likes knowing that it is coming back over the fence......
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lol Dris

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I am feeling so very happy......

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