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bandearg | 23:28 Sun 02nd Jan 2011 | Crosswords
9 Answers
stuck on a few

5 rule imposed by a rabble (3,3) ??? law
10 chooses puts up (9) n????????
12 prepare to get sick (5) r????
13 forestry skills (9) ??????a?t
19 a bulbous plant (4) l?a?
24 preclude by law Poets crazy (5) e???t



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5 mob law
10 nominates
13 woodcraft?
24 Estop
5 Mob Law ?
12. retch
is there any chance your letters may be wrong? I was thinking a bulbous plant may be a Leek?
24 Evict ?
24 definitely estop
10 nominates
Question Author
thank you all thought leek myself but clue down is informal stroll among a crowd by VIP say (9) i had walkabout

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