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Are the Christmas holidays too long?

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sandyRoe | 07:40 Mon 03rd Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
It's been like a month of Sundays and my masseuse has taken herself off for a month in the sun.


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I suppose it depends on whether one has to go to work. When I was working the holidays were NEVER long enough but now that I'm retired the holidays seem to go on and on and on and on for ever. Soon be back to normal though. Happy 2011 Sandy.
Hi, tomorrow is my first whole day off since 21st December [having worked Christmas Eve,Day and Boxing day...New years eve and New years day and all those in-between].....what are these holidays you speak of?

Lisa x
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The Scots get one more bank holiday over New Year than the English - so presumably the hangovers are worse north of the border.
On one hand I am enjoying a break from work, but as the mother of bored, squabbling kids it is deffo too long
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My auntie's taken a month off of work, three week with her fiance in South Africa (where he's working for the next few months) and then a week skiing in the alps somewhere . . .
And I have 2 weeks and 5 days holiday, i got back on thursday, but know people who are going back wednesday or even tomorrow . . .

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Are the Christmas holidays too long?

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