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Seating plans for Dinner Parties?

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joggerjayne | 00:05 Wed 05th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
91 Answers
Do you write all your guests names on bits of paper to work out a table plan ?

Do you like "boy-girl boy-girl" or do you prefer "ends" ?


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Jollity?....plenty of time for "jollity" during the dinner party and when the men once again join the women after dinner.

Plenty of time for" jollity"

By "jollity" you mean wife/ partner swapping?.......;-)..........;-)

I can hear you say "Why would the men want to be segregated for a time after dinner?

Well, cigars and then,,,who is sh@gging whom....who has left whom.......which woman at the office..."put´s it about".......have you got the picture JJ?
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red ...

I'm totally tolerant of smokers, but they still have to go out onto the balcony (unless we're completely trolleyed, in which case it's a bit of a free for all).
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Oh, sqad ... "bloke talk" ... zzzzzzz

Like which guys think that which girls at the office would be "up for it" ???

So that's ... male fantasy hour !!

JJ....great thread.....thoroughly enjoyed to the dentist now followed the the Sports Centre..........wish I could be at your DP.
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Bye, sqad ... be good x x x
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red ...

You are me in reverse ...

I don't have any "disgusting habits" ... but my meals are a bit dodgy.

(think Bridget Jones!)
Can I sit on your knee?
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Oh, I am SO looking forward to Burn's Night, red.

I'm not cooking, though. It's the annual Burn's Night Ball.

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Seating plans for Dinner Parties?

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