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Man Flu .......

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yelenots | 20:01 Wed 05th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Yes husband has got it and guess what.... its so much worse than what I had all over Christmas and I still managed to carry on!!!


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but yelenots man flu ids different i should know i had it the other week and i can vouch for him it is very serious you know.....
I don't think that is just a human thing either. Frankie in my avatar sometimes falls off things when he is climbing - he just lies there crying and then comes for a cuddle. His sister is made of much sterner stuff and won't let a little accident stop he.
and i expect he is refusing all medical support as he 'can't swallow it' or 'he'll manage without'
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Of course Dotty he's not having any cough medicine. lemsip or paracetamol - making everyone suffer!! He's sleeping in the spare room tonight!!
make sure you leave the window wide open so that the cold kills all the bugs
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Us blokes havent got a chance! I am bed bound with Chest, Ear and Throat infection, have been since Sunday, and all I keep getting off the female members of the family is "Man Flu!!"
Question Author bed - you must have it bad :-) x
Give it 'er indoors, JD, then have the last laugh.

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Man Flu .......

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