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micmak | 18:15 Sat 08th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Very slow tonight or is it my 'puter'


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This site seems fine to me. The HSBC site however is being a tit.
its the weekend, technically it should be called 'quizbank'
It's fine for me..
-- answer removed --
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It took 4 minutes to show my Q and 6 minutes to refresh the page for any answers. I have tried IE8 and firefox. Are there any teqies about who may Know.
i've got the same problem as you micmak
I'm on Chrome.
Question Author
Thanks bibble, at least I know it's not my 'puter'
Very slow tonight for me- I'm using IE. It's taking over 60 seconds to move to the next page and to submit responses
Also it only seems to be for this site during the past hour or so - it might have just got better (crossed fingers).

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