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I do not consider myself to have lied, I just followed common sense and the most appropriate option; that is what life is all about. Also it is similar to the tree falling in a forest with nobody to witness it; did it really fall or exist even? Also consider this; my Peugeot was vandalised in a car park in Xmas 2008, but I did not claim so does this also mean I lied etc? Or what about house insurance; if you spilled a cup of tea on your carpet, but did not claim and instead hired a cleaning machine, would this be a lie? Maybe I am taking this too seriously and should instead lighten up and be in on the joke, which it is of course....right?
Anyway this week I am busy selling things to raise some cash to buy another car. My workplace have run out of patience with me getting two busses to work, covering approx 12 miles each way and then arriving 20 or 30mins late. This is despite the winter being one of the worst in living memory, and the distance involved and only being late about twice in four weeks. I'd love to see them suffer the same as I have done! Meanwhile the drunken louts roll in late or not at all, and get a pat on the back and a good collective laugh. I kid you not...