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Skin Flints...

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milly143 | 11:12 Tue 11th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Molly's stalk question made me think of this.

Our accountant/office landlord and his wife have a place in Thailand that they stay at over Christmas. He came in yesterday to do some bits around the yard and told us he had put new signs up to show where the fire hose was. Upon checking out the sign, most of it was in whatever language they speak in Thailand (<--- yes, dumb). It probably cost him about 20p instead of the 50p it would have cost him in a shop round here.

Do you have any skin flint habits which you swear by?


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i dont think Im a skin flint (ive actually had the argument with Mr CRX over the stalks of broccolli as i do see it as dishonest and wont let him do it)

Ive a relative who will come visit and rather than leave at a reasonable time in evening, ie when i need to get kids to bed etc will hang on as late as they can so that they dont have to pay the toll charge on the QE bridge
they speak Thai in thailand.....

i'm not a skinflint far too wasteful actually
what does mr crx want to do with the stalks of broccolli?????
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worst one i knew (am sure ive mentioned before on here) was a mate who was only caught out by chance.
We used to regularly go out as a huge group of friends for meals. One guy never had cash on him so told us he would pay by card. He would collect everyones money plus our shares of tips and go and pay.
One day another friend, on way back from loo, found him paying the whole bill with our cash and tips, the tip covering the cost of his meal lol
fluff, molly asked yesterday if it was illegal to break the stalks off broccolli before its weighed and paid for.
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what language do they speak in thailand? oh im almost wetting myself, that was really funny milly!
cheers Red my mind was boggling :-)
im pretty tight on money actually. i choose not to pay for a room as it was over my budget, so i slept on the hammock of these 2 Swedish girls i met. lovely cheap nights accommodation! hahaha
Question Author
Sometimes I can be quite intelligent and sometimes I can be unbelievably thick!
"so i slept on the hammock of these 2 Swedish girls i met"

I'd take that option even if I could afford the room!
Do they comply with BS 5378?
BS 5378?

I'm sure their safety sign were the correct colour!
"Molly's stalk question......?"

Bet that's not what I'm thinking. Not such an innocent as she....

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