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Filthy, Defiled, Raunchy & Squalid

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ttfn | 20:59 Tue 11th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Sorry - just wanted to prove I can talk dirty ;o)


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sounds like a bavarian town!
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putrid - if I am short of breath mazie ;o)
flatulence and depravity
I love the words where the emphasis can not only be heard but seen - a la Malcolm Mugerridge pronunciation!
Sneering - can have so many e's in it too
I know midden but have never heard of messen
-- answer removed --
and the best - squalid
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Now squalid is a belter boxy!

Wish i had thought of that when posting ;o)
LOL ttfn, plagiarism is my speciality....
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I think it must be german. I can't find an english definition for messen
great call Count... Count is another word that makes me titter
It's messen around isn't it?

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