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good morning early birds

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berniecuddles | 06:16 Wed 12th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
snorkel and flippers at the ready here belting down with rain, at least its not snowing thats something i suppose!


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morning bernie x

we've not put our skis and sledges away yet,just as well as we've got another dusting :D
Question Author
morning alba hope it stays away the white stuff too many hills near me dont fancy falling over again lol!
I don't mind the snow so much, it's quite fun in the right hands :D
When it qets icy it's just downright dangerous.

Hope you didn't hurt yourself too badly.
Question Author
im off to work alba you have a lovely day xx
thought you might be offski soon, have a good day bernie.
thats funny cause i am actaully going snorkelling hahahaha, thank you thailand!
You can go off people at times!
rub it in lumin :D

Are you still suffering 31 degrees heat or has it cooled down a bit? Also, have you got your skype sorted so you can catch up with your family?
skype still not working, and today its 28c. not too bad lol. but there is a guy on the beach pulling a 'superman'pose, but he is about 65 and wearing speedos... very uncool.
it's mike in disguise :D

(sorry mike x)
(Note to self: put Speedos back in wardrobe).
lol ewwwwwwwwwww!
Good Morning All, - Yep, here too chucking it down.but the cat insisted on going out,
Thank goodness I've got nothing planned for today, will catch up on some recordings I think. Perhaps a nap this aft'n.

morning bernie and all

rain rain and more rain. Well, I`ll either shrink or grow.

Have a good day
Morning all bit wet this morning and yes it's better than snow. Where's the higher temps we were forecast it was bitter cold yesterday . Have a nice day all.
morning all
Wet and windy in Birmingham
Off to do my 8 hours of slavery

Have a nice one folks
Morning all,

Very damp and the rain is easing off!
Morning All! A grey miserable day out there today!
Morning all...wet and miserable here, Edinburgh, had a dusting of snow last night, still have piles of the stuff in the gardens and roadsides, not warmed up enough to get fully rid ! Sqad can we all come over to stay a bit ????

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good morning early birds

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