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Funny sayings

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jb190281 | 20:08 Wed 12th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
"made me feel about as welcome as a fart in a spacesuit" - made me laugh!

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Remember you asked jb..........Sit on my face and fart :-(
As mad as a box of frogs
Question Author it wrong that I laughed so much I nearly snorted?!
Me too jb..........she was mortified.
I got a leaving card which said "We're sorry to see the back of you, but it's better than the front :-(
Question Author
Just on the subject of greetings cards, there was a card going around the office last year, one of the girls going off on maternity leave for the third time. One guy wrote...

"same sentiments as the other 2, wasn't really interested then either" - gotta love the honesty
lol.....he sounds charismatic.

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