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bricro | 17:05 Thu 13th Jan 2011 | Film, Media & TV
35 Answers
What talents do Ant & Dec posess?


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Overpaid, unfunny, talentless.
00:40 Fri 14th Jan 2011
BGT wouldn't be the same without them. If you think back to Susan Boyle, their reaction to her from the sidelines was genuine and real. In fact I think I'll watch it again now on Youtube.
I like them.
Very good presenters.
you obviously dont know how tv works if you think they dont do much

they are overpaid though
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Television presentation - especially 'live' is far harder than most people imagine.

What A & D and others make appear so effortless is in fact precisely the opposite, and therin lies the talent.

Being able to appear personable, natural, and have that indefinable something that makes a majrotity audience like you, is an under-rated skill - except by prograamme makers, which is why these people are paid large amounts for what they do.
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Thank you all for taking the trouble to respond. Perhaps I had better rethink my opinion!!
They can breathe?
i like them, they're nice funny lads, and who could forget the classic "lets get ready to rumble"
Oodles of charisma, that's what they have...I love them
They don't take themsevles seriously. They have the ability to make fun of themselves and I also like the fact that they don't appear to want to get their faces on anything they possibly can. They seem to stick to their certain programmes.

My Dad on the other hand would love to chuck the TV out the window as soon as they come on the screen. He just doesn't get them.
Sorry milly,
I am in agreement with your Dad.
To me they are typical of how low British TV has sunk,where(manufactured) looks and "cuteness" can score over lack of talent and sincerity.
The sooner they get old and suffer the ageisn in TV the better.
Once their (so called) good lucks and plastic charm disappear they will be consigned to the great rubbish person slagheap where they should have been in the first place.
Television? it's a joke!
This might sound ruder than I intend it to, but perhaps it's a generational thing.
No Milly, I think they appeal to all ages...another plus
Maybe it is milly,but it doesn't make my answer any the less valid.
Don't get me started on other "persons" on TV that are talentless and charmless,there are TOO many of them!

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