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what time do you have your first drink

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slinky.kate | 15:45 Fri 14th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
alcololic that is,i very rarely drink alcohol


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Bottle ttfn -no point in lying -have to say I have just opened the 3rd but its at my mercy lol Its not a mean cc tho so should be able to handle it:)
Bottle of what Drissy?
Just wine ummm -not a high cc-plus ive soaked it up by scoffing :)

sandy well done -cant have been easy.
lol...what percentage? If Ginger has a glass of wine he keels over...

At the moment we have wine, stella and vodka....I know why he got the vodka ;-)

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what time do you have your first drink

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