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woodelf | 21:25 Thu 13th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Any of you guitarists out there in AB land, could you recommend a bottleneck/slide to use?...a personal choice please, rather than direct me to a site. Ta Muchly.


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Possibly the first ever song I 'attempted' to play. ;-)
hi docspock, high action? says Cheesegrater to my fingers!
your guitar bought from Mamelocks? one of the guys in our group used to be
one of the guitar salesmen there............what a small world!
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It is a long time ago docspock, my kids weren't even born...............
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Hey Doc, whereabouts was Mamelok's?...I remember Reno's on Oxford Street, Manchester and some place on Deansgate but...? And who are you classing as your hero?...Paul Simon or John Fahey?
Going back to the action question, I don't think the electric guys would have high action on their Les Paul's or Jet's or is it just acoustics?
You're right in my case Woodelf, I just use a standard set up on my Les Paul, my acoustic guitar has a higher set up but I don't use that for slide, mainly finger style folk
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I think all of us have our own ways of coping with too many notes and too few fingers!! Two "odd" ones that spring to mind are Richie Havens (plays with thumb only and Django Rheinhardt, who only had two usable fingers on his fretboard hand. I think Ry Cooder might dispute your "not very inventive" with open tunings. He never seems to play standard tuning. My favourite player at the moment is Ana Vidovic, I think the best classical guitarist I have ever heard and I've been in the front row for Segovia and Williams.
Nothing to add re: slide, but thought I'd share this character 'AndanteLargo' on YouTube
Just one of a few excellent performances.
That's nicely played Vicasso. This might sound picky but his guitar sounds like it suffers from a mid tone resonance which is making it buzz a little and shortening the sustain. On the other hand it could be my hearing :) but I would change the guitar or the recording technician
Aw, a little harsh, Milvus ??? I see a middle aged bloke wearing a pully (his mum bought it for him), sitting at his dining table full on in front of badly lit amateur AV equipment.
How good would he sound in a professional environment?
Thanks for the Ana Vidovic..stunning!
I remember,many years ago, playing John Wiilliams / Asturias for a new girl friend. As the last notes faded, she said 'Which one was John Williams?'.......... me 'Uh?'......... her 'There was more than one guitar !' .............
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Fascinating being in the company of those who play the guitar well. Hey Doc, if you have probs with barre chords, how do you manage to play your 12-string Eko?
I do NOT play the guitar well!
I play it only to amuse only me, unfortunately, never well enough to play in public.
but....It pleases me when I eventually get it right....errmmm ...mostly :-)
What I do like about the guitar is the breadth/range of music it can encompass..
Classical..folk ..pop..rock..heavy metal ...and so on, and it it's good, it can be really good,
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Me too Vic, I'm that kind of player!
I agree Vicasso, a bit harsh, but it either the buzz or the pully, and his Mum might be reading this! I think you have it though, the guitar has a prominent place in all types of music and can be played and enjoyed by people with all levels of skill

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