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highest half time score

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tali1 | 20:48 Fri 14th Jan 2011 | Football
4 Answers
In British footy only
Which game has highest half time score ? EXCLUDING any matches were a team has scored into double figures at end


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Well I know you specifically asked for games where the team didn't get 10, but Spurs were 10-1 up against Crewe in the FA Cup replay in 1960 if anybody's interested.

I will keep looking.
The final score was 13-2, by the way.
Burnley vs Man City, 3rd April 2010 - City were 5-0 up at half time, which was (still is?) a Premier League record. It finished 6-1.
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i'm sure from memory there is a 5-2 HT out there - can't recall anything higher

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highest half time score

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