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wedding invite download

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gina32 | 19:53 Sat 15th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
does anyone know of a good website where i can download and print wedding invites for free please thanks


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That's just lazy! lol, have you spent the invitation budget on the hen night?
Question Author
why is it lazy, its more personal
I never even knew that you could do them at home! Lucky I found this site as you seem to learn something completely new all the time! I don't personally know of any but just had a quick google for you and there are many out there so find one you like then put the company's name in google and and review and you should come up with reviews of each company's service.
I just made up my own using word, found a picture I liked for the front, bought some fancy paper and printed them off. Cost me about 20 quid in all including stamps :)
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thanks both

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wedding invite download

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