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Crete would be my choice in the spring
It's a bit of a walk from the Grand Hotel to the Casino, naomi.

It's also a bit of a walk from where all the bars are.

It's not far on a sunny afternoon, but on a cold night ... it feels like miles.
stoke, your very flirty tonight, dont upset ttfn she keeps hitting her head on the floor , lol
Okay, JB12 ... you can stay here.

Stokey ... kinky gambler ???

I'm going to bed.

The thought of going all the way to Scotland has made me feel pooped.

x x x
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lol jj actually i was thinking of me staying at yours for a couple of nights and me and you at the grand for a couple of nights lol....errrrr anne i think you are right id better stop being so flirtatious lol....

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i feel grumpy tonight.....

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