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And the award for Question of the Day goes to....

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flobadob | 16:52 Mon 17th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
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You mean 'stupid question of the day'?

Unless my post qualifies.
But I think you win for most inflammatory title! http://www.theanswerb...e/Question979077.html
pmsl ..

flobadob 0 - 1 Ed
-- answer removed --
oh is there a contest now going on everyday? how fun this could be!
I appreciate a good tabloid-style headline - a little bit of social engineering goes a long way.

For example: Erection
had to add to the post.... toooooooo tempting
Question Author
Well, Frankie Boyle is my hero after all.

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And the award for Question of the Day goes to....

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