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milly143 | 16:17 Tue 18th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I'm sure I saw a 'Mccfluffy' earlier, with the same pic as you. Have you been cloned or have I just missed something?


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no its me, i've signed in on my phone as mccfluffy and havent signed out. i try to keep the same pic so as not to confuse :-)

i was at the garage waiting for some tyres if yr interested :-)
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oooohhhh. It confused me, but that happens quite easily.

eerr, thanks for letting me know about the tyres........ :o)
and after that i went to the train station to buy a ticket

its gets more exciting i could go on......
I'm gripped.

Was it a single ticket, or a return ?
return, and f**k i;ve forgotton to give it to her, arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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