I have often wanted to post questions about Classical Music here, but I don't see any others so I think it might be pointless?
A seperate Classical category would be nice,but I don't see it happening.
It would be nice to discuss Classical Music matters with others.
"What could Mozart have achieved with a Fender Telecaster?"
What I'd like to know is what he would have achieved with a bank of synths and either Protools or Logic.
It could just be that most people who post here aren't the classical lovers. To be honest, I'm not at all into what most people do post about, but just occasionally there's a jazz, blues, theory or performance question that I can answer or join in a discussion about. If I have questions of my own, I'm aware that most people here won't be able to help (given one or two exceptions), and then I go to more specialised forums than this.
I agree, Invictas, and the same idea's crossed my mind, too. I'm not personally "into" classical music per se, but opera, yes. There is a difference, for the uninitiated. Having said that, there are some garbage operas out there, folks.