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Kit Kats Anonymous...

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milly143 | 22:20 Sat 22nd Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
My name is Milly (well, it's not actually) and for the past 3 years, I've been addicted to kitkats. I need at least 1 a day to keep me going. My addiction is now expanding and I can't stop drinking tea! I need help.

(and a life so I don't keep writing pointless posts).


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I need a kitkat.
Is that the 2 or 4 finger ones, or perhaps the chunky ones? It makes a difference you know!
I used to be addicated to Jaffa cakes and tea. Now I am just addicted to tea. Don't know what happened except they moved me away from the snack machine so I couldn't get at the jaffa cakes any more.
Hi Milly.

I was in the habit of eating a double finger KitKat after every meal. I bought the 30 bar packs from Tesco, 2 or 3 at a time. I eventaully broke the addiction by moving onto peanuts. Maybe you can break it the same way.

My life-long tea addiction is far too gone though to do anything about that. What would be the point of life without tea?
your body is used to receiving a kitkat daily, so you will crave them around the same time or continually if you miss your daily hit :)
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It's very important JD! It always has to be a 4 finger. The others are ok, but they don't really count. Also, they can not be 'low calorie'. A) what's the point? B) they are an insult to a full fat, 4 fingered delicious kitkat.

They must also be eaten in an exact way. It's not as simple as just eating it.
milly, have you tried the mint ones?
You will end up looking "Chunky" if you carry on eating Kit Kats
"My addiction is now expanding" - not to mention my waistline. Never mind, Oxon is a nice county to live in.
Milly, I could be too, it has to be a 4-finger pack, and it has to be a plain unsullied one. I hunt for them. They are 90p for 2 in my post office, or 65p a pack in the railway station - extortionate. I am breaking my addiction by refusing to buy a multipack now - just a treat pack now and again. I haven't had any since Christmas (but I could eat one now).
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Cazzz, I thought I was ok today but I was getting withdrawal so I've just had my hit.

Starbuck, ha ha. The moved the machine away.....I would still sniff them out.

Andy, I agree there is no point in life without tea. Tea makes everything better!
Let 'Maltesers' be your friend.
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Oxon itself will have to expand in order to fit me in it if I continue.

The mint ones??? MINT! How very dare you! ;o)
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Don't say that Mamy, bf bought a big bag of maltesers round the other day and they have remained sat, unopen on the kitchen side....until now maybe you've reminded me they are there. :o)
I'm addicted to Tunock's caramel wafer biscuits. I cannot stop eating them until all is finish.
Here's a little tip to help you enjoy both your addictions: bite a tiny bit of the top and bottom of the kitkat finger, dip it in the tea and suck! Then roll your eyes as the full force of the melting finger hits you!

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