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Grubby Helmet

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McMouse | 12:14 Mon 24th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Had a lovely ride this morning but just noticed how grubby my helmet is. Must be the weather.


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You are lucky that you can see your helmet.
Cheese on toast for lunch then?
Oh, chuck ... purleeez !
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what, I like nothing more than a bit of cheese on toast to get the energy back after a motorbike ride, what did you think I meant?
Sal is definitely going to contibute to this one!!!!!
Err ... erm ... nothing, Chuck. Sorry.

So you didn't have your visor up, Mousey?

Cos then you'd look like someone sprayed a brown rectangle on your face.
Question Author visor is retractable and does lead to some browning of the face.
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I wouldn't want to let you down welshie!!

After a bicycle ride, I find my seat is always rather moist. Of course, it could be just the angle of that 'front bit', but I have to say I don't find it puts me off at all.

I'm thinking of trying horse riding next. I hear that has it's repercussions also ;-)
I fancy a bit of a blast too Mousey, or maybe a pootle around the town, but I hate my bike.
Sal, one of the women that used to work for the company did say she was going to try the vibrating poker out on one of the building sites - never been seen since..........
Question Author your pearl necklace. Did you get it after the moist seat?
It is something I have nagged my BF to give me for a long time McM. My seat did indeed go a little moist when he gave it to me.
Question Author
If you're thinking of horse riding salla you'll need a good saddle though bare back has quite a following.

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