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slinky.kate | 15:09 Thu 27th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
are you guilty of-keeping a pen when signing your name
forgetting to give someone their change back
forgot your purse/wallet?


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No...but I often leave my card in OH's wallet which is annoying.
We all keep the pens from hotel bedrooms, don't we?


Just me???

Okay okay ... I'll post them all back tomorrow.
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are you perfect ummmm? surely you do something,tell us??
No where near perfect...
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No, I never keep pens from hotels, and other places. You should feel really bad about this as it is called "stealing". I will only keep things I find in the street if I do not know the owner, and the owner can't be traced. Does anyone else here do this?

Im not perfect, but I am a perfectionist.
JJ - they don't have pens in the Premier Inn :)
I keep pens from hotel rooms. I get asked at work by customers if they can borrow a pen. I don`t usually want them back after they have finished with them. I don`t know where their hands have been! The hotels put the their name on the pens so that when you share them around they get free advertising. That`s the whole idea. No guilt is involved or intended.
^^^^^ oohhh cheap shot haha
How about shutting front door behind you and realising keys are still inside! silly me last week

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