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Does anyone want to do my work for me

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milly143 | 11:44 Fri 28th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I need to find a hotel in Cardiff for next friday but I looked at Travelodge and it's booked up because of the Rugby so now I can't be bothered. Twin room please. Thanks.


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Ahhh thanks Wolf. £326 is a bit steep though and the boys would have to sleep together in that one.
You could go to Spain for a week for that sort of money.

Have fun!
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oooohhh. I always get the rubbish jobs. It's not even work related. My boss is going to the rugby so I have to find his hotel. Booooo!!!
Book him into Celtic Manor.

It's not far from Cardiff, and he can have a game of golf while he is there.

He will thank you for it ... a pay rise will be on the cards.
We went to Celtic Manor for a spa weekend. We paid about £90, and it was fab.

We could have had a round of golf included in the price ... if any of us actually played.
he should have tried earlier!

"Sorry, the last available room in The Big Sleep Hotel was booked 1 hour, 17 minutes ago!"

thats only hotel I know of there
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Even the manor is booked up!
Quite a few on here with twin rooms and not too scary prices, best to get one booked quick though x
Oh, the full link didn't print! If you go on the site and put the date in there are rooms left there.
There's room in the boot of my Sister's X-Trail if you fancy a weekend in Yeovil, milly. We're off to the Rugby on Sunday.
even the Best Western in Barry is full! Try the Bear Hotel in Cowbridge
or this one in Llantwit
The Travel Lodge in Merthyr Tydfil has got rooms (34 minutes to Cardiff).
is a list of Cardiff B&B's,the only way to find a vacancy is to ring around I am afraid!
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Thanks for the answers. I've given up and told him to do it himself now. I picked a few off your link Jenna and he decided they weren't good enough because it would mean they would have to get a taxi. Men!

He did make me a cup of tea just to be nice though so I'll let him off for being irritating.
You'll be lucky! I can imagine Cardiff has been booked up for months

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