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Anything on the box tonight?

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milly143 | 19:57 Fri 28th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
I am about to make a cup of tea, wrap myself in my big satin throw and sorround myself with copious amounts of junk food. Just need to find some TV to fall asleep to.


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"8.00 - Loo and snack break". lol.

That's the one I'm looking forward to most.
Or, if you don't fancy the telly, come and meet us for a few voddies (try the bar at Legend's Hotel) and then on to a music bar, and a Chinese, and then we're going to the Casino ...

... and I'm going to win BIG on the Blackjack tables ... I can feel it in my water !
That was the episode Milly - the Model Agency. The blonde woman he met in the bar, when he started to cry and she came over to him. Then at the end, it turns out she also ran an agency.
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Sounds like a good night ahead JJ, I'm tempted!

I remember her Den! She was the goody. :o)
We've got hooked by 'Can't take it with you' BBC2 21.00 Gerry Robinson
Thats right Milly. She is my cousin.
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Not heard of that one Granny. (it's nice to call someone Granny).

That's exciting Den. I would be boasting to everyone if it was my cousin.
You're welcome milly any time - it's nice to be called granny - I'm waiting for my 6th great grandchild and day now

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