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Would someone please

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brenda | 22:40 Sun 30th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
explain to me what being suspended from AB means . How long it for?
If you are banned is that forever, don't really understand . Thank you.


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You can get a temp ban if the Ed/Mod think you just need to calm down/sober up.

You can get a permanent suspension which means your posts stay.

When you're banned all trace of you disappears.
I think when you're banned, you're banned permanently. If you are suspended you may get a reprieve at some point but I don't know how long the suspension is strung out for.
..ummm, you forgot to add, ''until you re-register and carry on like nothing happened'' ... lol x forgot to mention, re-register a million times!
What do you mean 'until you re-register'?

They have the names in the system already :-) x
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Thanks all for the help.
An early identity of mine got a bit boistrous and got banned (quite rightly)

However when they did the total revamp of the site, I noticed the ban was removed. I don't expect this was intentional.

I won't resurrect the sod though.

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