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Yatton Summerset?

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Jemisa | 18:17 Sun 30th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Does anyone know Yatton in Summerset? - I lived there as a child and wondered if Horsechapple Church was still there and Mr Moons Farm?



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Is this the church/chapel? Seems the building has been turned into residential.
Nice website here, maybe you could contact them to ask re the farm?

Hi Jem-I grew up in Clevedon. As mamalynne says, the chapel is no longer there. Where was Mr Moon's farm-which end of the village?
Hi, I'm from Clevedon next to Yatton. One of my family lives near Horsecastle part but I've no idea about the chuch - there's a baptist chuch there now. Prob changed a lot since you lived there.
horselady - a small world lol!
Near Brissell, innit? Either the A370 or A369?

Ask me one on sport?
Definitely a small world, horselady and MissCommando
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I lived in 'Horsecastle Cottage' right nx to the Chapel. Mr Moons farm was right behind us. I did hear his daughter Margaret was the Vicar there, but I don't really know.
We used to go to Clevedon for our days out at the seaside.

Thanks for the links but I'd already Googled them, but they're not v/informative thats why I thought I'd try to get some info from the horses mouth (so to speak)


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