2 counts of abh, what can I expect with these circumstances
The night before I bought her mobile cos she wanted money. However she is saying I kicked her, and then laid into her with kicks and punches and then we went to bed. This is untrue we simply watched tv.
The next day,We argued, she wanted her phone back and swung a punch at me. She grabed me and tried to brake my allready broken finger. I pushed her then pushed her face against the fridge and then punched her. I am at court for two counts of abh and theft of a mobile what can I expect.
My ex has lied to the police and said I attacked her twice, once the night before and then at this point. She also lied by saying I kicked her in both incidents and punched and kicked her for a stright five mintues. Surely her injurys would have been more serious, Her bruising is one black eye, a scratch to one eye and some brusing wear her face hit the fridge. She has previous for lying to the police, and has been catiouned for braking my finger. I have also made a statment against her attacking me before, but she was just cationed for criminal damage to my property.
What scares me is that if they believe her that it was a sustained attack, I will be looking at a minuim of 2 years, or have I got this wrong?
I am 32 and have no previous convictions and I am a single father. what do you think I am looking at for two counts of ABH AND THEFT?